Your Revit Models:
– Fast
– Flexible
– Automated
Customer Reviews for PropertyWizard
Products: Add-Ins for Revit
Set Revit parameter values - automatically

PropertyWizard is an add-in for Autodesk Revit that allows you to add formulas to project parameters, just as you can add formulas to family parameters in the family editor.
You can write formulas that set parameter values as a result of other parameters or API properties. When those source properties change, PropertyWizard will update your target parameter automatically.
Model Quality (coming soon)
Monitor and maintain the quality of your Revit models

ModelQuality is an add-in for Autodesk Revit that allows you to log key statistics from your Revit models to a cloud database. You can visualise the log data in Microsoft Power BI to gain insights into the performance and quality of Revit models across your organisation.
ModelQuality also includes a growing suite of 'model repair' tools to help you quickly bring problem models back on track.